Oak Island Fire Department
Yaupon Beach Fire Station 2
8510 E Oak Island Dr, Oak Island, NC
“Since completion, a surge in new volunteers has stepped forward.”

The first Yaupon Beach Fire Station was a metal building with several additions, built in the ’60s as a “place to park the trucks out of the weather.” After years of storm damage and overcrowding from department growth, it became clear that a new station was desperately needed. The fire department saw this as a one-time chance to build for the future. Rebuilding on the same small site meant the station must expand vertically; it also must meet the needs of the current volunteer department while preparing for future transition into a full-time department. And with Oak Island as a vacation destination, it was very important that its image be “beach.”
The building features a tall apparatus room with direct access from all directions. On the ground level, key support spaces line the sides and rear to enhance readiness. A wrap-around mezzanine overlooks the bays and offers training and storage. Built-in training includes confined space, rappelling window, sprinkler, stairs, parapet wall, and knock-down door. The second floor houses offices, kitchen/dayroom, exercise room, and dormitory. A centrally located pole provides quick access to the apparatus room below.