South Harbour Fire Station 3
4151 Vanessa Dr SE, Southport, NC
“Fire Station 3 is a state-of-the-art facility with drive-through apparatus bays, decon room, tool room, turn-out gear lockers, offices, dayroom/kitchen, and dormitory.”

South Harbour Fire Station 3 is located on Oak Island, NC, a barrier island, beach town, and popular tourist destination. Across the Intracoastal Waterway bridge, development has grown, creating a need for additional fire protection. The Town of Oak Island responded to this need with the construction of Fire Station 3.
As a part of “hurricane alley,” the island is frequently battered by Atlantic Coast hurricanes, creating the need for an emergency operations center on the mainland. It also offered an important opportunity to create a civic building with a strong beach image and thus lead by example of appropriate design. The station is a state-of-the-art facility with drive-through apparatus bays, decon room, tool room, turn-out gear lockers, offices, dayroom/kitchen, and dormitory. The dayroom converts to an emergency operations center. The station also includes a neighborhood police office. It is very efficient and functional, with an attractive and appropriate image. It has become a local landmark for residents and visitors alike.