Huntersville Fire Station 3
13423 Eastfield Rd, Huntersville, NC
“Station 3 allows expanded emergency response coverage in Huntersville and is an investment for the future.”

As the large city of Charlotte continues to expand, surrounding, small communities like Huntersville are growing and making the transition to towns. Previously protected by five volunteer departments, Huntersville now requires more protection and paid fire fighters to supplement the volunteers. They will soon transition to a full-time operation. The apparatus room is the dominant element and focal point of the structure, with a curved pediment and tall columns. It is flanked by offices and living quarters, allowing for direct access to the vehicles from multiple points, and support spaces are also conveniently located along the sides. A mezzanine provides storage and built-in training opportunities. The station also includes an exercise room and porch, and the police department’s community office is accessible from parking. The site was modified to be environmentally sensitive, with water quality filter and detention ponds. The landscape design uses indigenous plants. Glass doors on the facility provide natural light and allow greater visibility outside. A striking colonnade marks the pedestrian entry. The station’s brick exterior ties in well with nearby residences, while the standing seam roof lends distinctiveness and permanence to reinforce the building’s civic nature.